
Generations at Your Service
The Company was founded in Hamburg, Germany, on 18 April 1743 by Jacob Hinrich Hudtwalcker (1710 – 1781) as an independent trading house for Cod Liver Oils, Herring and Fish Oils, a tradition we continue to honour more than 270 years later. His oldest son, Johann Michael (1747 – 1818), who later in life became […]

The Third Branch
Below is a table of the males in direct line of The Third Branch (the Altona-Hamburg branch) on the Hudtwalcker Family Tree. The table is based on the information available to us at the time of writing. Johann Hudtwalcker b. 1608 – d. 28.10.1678 See The Captain in the Mists of Time for more history. […]

Through the Ages
The following gives a more detailed account of the company history in Hamburg than the shorter summary given at the Generations at Your Service page at this website. The Hudtwalcker family originates from Lüdingworth, a village between Cuxhaven and Bremerhaven in the county of Hadeln, Germany. The “Land Hadeln” is farming country on the southern […]

The Captain in the Mists of Time
According to the archives, one Captain Hutwalker was, for many years, employed in the service of the King of Denmark during the Thirty Years War (1618 – 1648). In 1638, Imperial forces threatened to attack Holstein, then under the Danish crown. The Danish king, King Christian IV, ordered some of his troops ”Uthschuss uth Jüthlandt, […]

Die Hamburgische Familie Hudtwalcker
Erinnerungsblätter und Stammtafeln Hamburg, Weihnacht 1879. Gedruckt bei Th. G. Meissner, E. H. Senats Buchdrucker Geschänkt Thusnelda Goberts née Hudtwalcker (1819 – 1889) von Syndicus Behr, Weihnachten 1879. Erinnerungsblätter Die Hamburgische Familie Hudtwalcker stammt, so weit es durch die bisherigen grösstentheils den Kirchenregisstern entnommenen Ermittlungen sich nachweissen lässt, aus dem am linken Elbufer nahe der […]

La Familia Hudtwalcker de Hamburgo
Hojas de memoria y tablas familiares Hamburgo, Navidad de 1879. Impreso por Th. G. Meissner, E.H. Senats Buchdrucker Regalo de Thusnelda Goberts née Hudtwalcker (1819 – 1889) del síndico Behr, Navidad de 1879. Hojas de Memoria La familia Hudtwalcker de Hamburgo viene, hasta donde pudo identificarse en la mayoría de las investigaciones tomadas de los […]

Memories of the Hudtwalcker family
By Mathilde Lutteroth When I was a child I often spent the winters with my parents, brothers and sisters at the home of my grandfather, Ascen Lutteroth, at 6 Neuer Wandrahm, where the Zollkanal flows today on the site of the beautiful old patricians’ houses. Other “Hudtwalckers” lived at the time close to the steep-stepped […]

Recuerdos Sobre la Familia Hudtwalcker
De Mathilde Lutteroth Cuando era niña, vivía en invierno a menudo con mis padres y hermanos en casa de mi abuelo Ascan Lutteroth, en Neues Wandrahm 6, donde hoy está el canal de aduanas y antes estaban unas hermosas casas patricias. Justo al lado de la casa de escaleras altas vivían entonces “los Hudtwalcker”. Las […]

A Tale of Cemeteries
The quest of the lost graves In the year of 1799, in the city of Hamburg, Jacob Hinrich Hudtwalcker, son of Jacob Hinrich the elder (1710-1781), died at the age of 46. His son, Johann Wilhelm, who was born in 1788 and suffered the loss of his father when he was 11 years old, would […]

Out of Hamburg
Hamburg is always the city of birth unless otherwise specifically mentioned. In cases were a person is born in Hamburg, but there is no information on place of death, only the year of death is written. When only one year is written it is the year of birth as the year (or place) of death […]

Fuera de Hamburgo
Hamburgo es siempre la ciudad de nacimiento a menos que sea de otra manera específicamente mencionado. En los casos en los cuales una persona es nacida en Hamburgo, pero no hay información sobre el lugar de defunción, únicamente el año de defunción es mencionado. Cuando sólo se ha escrito un año, el mismo se refiere […]

The Peruvian Branch (Origins)
Following the direct line of male descendants, below is a table of The Peruvian Branch of the Hudtwalcker Family Tree, from its origins in Hamburg (The Third Branch; Altona-Hamburg), Germany, to the first generation in Lima, Peru. Jacob Hinrich Hudtwalcker b. 28 June 1753, Hamburg – d. 7 April 1799, Hamburg The story begins with […]

Between the Old World and the New
Peru: The Early Years Johannes Christian was born in Hamburg in 1825. He was baptized in the church of Saint Michaelis as a Lutheran (Protestant). As a member of a merchant and Hanseatic family, he travelled to Peru to seek business opportunities, motivated by his friend Johann Gildemeister (b. Bremen 1823 – d. Lima 1898) […]

The Hudtwalcker Family in Peru
The Hudtwalcker family in Peru begins with Johannes Christian Hudtwalcker Albers, born in Hamburg, Germany, 1825, died in 1907 in Lima, Peru, where he is buried. As it is the custom in Peru to include the mother’s family name, this will be done in this text. Johannes Christian was the son of Johann Wilhelm Lubbers […]

La Familia Hudtwalcker en Perú
La familia Hudtwalcker en Perú se inicia con Johannes Christian HudtwalckerAlbers (este último apellido de la madre), nacido en Hamburgo, Alemania, en el año 1825 y muerto en el año 1907 en Lima Perú donde está enterrado. Dado que es una costumbre en Perú, el incluir en el nombre de las personas, como segundo apellido, […]

Reunión Familiar 2017
Querida Familia, Una mañana hace 164 años en Alemania, en 1853, un joven Alemán abordó un barco hacia una parte del mundo que muchos Europeos no conocían en ese tiempo. Se llamaba Nuevo Mundo. Es un lugar donde la gente puede empezar de nuevo, libre de cualquier tradición y obligación que les limite en Europa- […]

Family Reunion 2017
Dear Family, One morning 164 years ago in Germany, in 1853, a young man goes on board a sailing ship bound for a part of the world almost unknown to Europeans at that time. They call it the New World. It is a place where people can start anew, free from whatever traditions and obligations […]

Resumen Histórico
Resumen Histórico – Genealogico En Europa, hace más de 250 años, exactamente el 20 de Noviembre de 1710, nació Jacob Hinrich Hudtwalcker, en la ciudad de Altona. Tras la muerte de su padre, sus tutores deciden encargar su educación al comerciante de arenques Weinert von Wintham, a partir del año 1724, en la ciudad de […]

Rama Chileno Peruana
Con la llegada de Johannes Christian Hudtwalcker a Lima, aproximadamente en el año 1848 y su posterior matrimonio con Clotilde Jouanny en el año 1851, se da origen a la única rama sudamericana de la familia que subsiste hasta el día de hoy en Perú y Chile.Johannes Christian tuvo 4 hijos: Ludwig Alfred, fallecido a […]

The Casa Cultura Dedal de Oro
The “spirit” of papa Juan “When you’re already a man, try to cultivate an art. Poetry, music, painting … Whatever it may be; that in old age, when reality has already broken many illusions (…), that art will be our most faithful companion …” This way Papa Juan advises a young Lucho Bernales in the […]

La Casa Cultura Dedal de Oro
El “espíritu” de papá Juan “Cuando seas ya hombre, trata de cultivar un arte. La poesía, la música, la pintura… Cualquiera que sea; que en la vejez, cuando ya la realidad lleva rotas muchas ilusiones (…), ese arte será nuestro más fiel compañero…” Así aconseja papá Juan a un joven Lucho Bernales en la novela […]

The Hudtwalcker Family in Africa
A grandson of Margaretha Elisabeth Milow, born Hudtwalcker, who lived from 1748 to 1794, was a Hamburg merchant. In 1847 he bought a ship, and sent it overseas to sell and buy goods in other continents. He soon specialized in trade with Africa, and over the years he built up what was the biggest German […]