The Casa Cultura Dedal de Oro
The “spirit” of papa Juan
“When you’re already a man, try to cultivate an art. Poetry, music, painting … Whatever it may be; that in old age, when reality has already broken many illusions (…), that art will be our most faithful companion …”

This way Papa Juan advises a young Lucho Bernales in the novel “Un perdido” by Eduardo Barrios Hudtwalcker.
Years later, in his autobiographical work, Eduardo Barrios would recognize that Papa Juan faithfully represented the image of his maternal grandfather: Johannes Christian Hudtwalcker.

“There’s only one guy there that’s totally accurate to his model: Papa Juan. Even though most of his episodes are equivalent and not historical, it is he, my maternal grandfather, the German, with his thoughts, with his soul, with his heart and even with his words. He influenced as anybody in my psychic conformation; from his spirit I recognize myself as a genuine descendant. Because my permanent cell comes from him, I have managed to stay healthy in all the roads for which life has made me roll later. “

With these words Eduardo Barrios introduced the world to whom his main mentor was
and whom probably inadvertently drove his successful literary career, which can now be reviewed thanks to the dedicated work of one of his grandchildren, who apparently following the same advice as Eduardo Barrios followed his grandfather, founded “La Casa Cultura Dedal de Oro” to the memory of the writer.

“La Casa Cultura Dedal de Oro” was founded in 2016 in the former country house of Eduardo Barrios Hudtwalcker, in San José de Maipo, Metropolitan Region, Chile. Eduardo Barrios Hudtwalcker received the National Literature Award in 1946 and his works are published in Chile to this day.

The founder of “La Casa Cultura” is Juan Pablo Yáñez Barrios -the writer’s grandson-, who gathered the patrimonial values inherited from his grandfather in order to show them in a room that bears his name, together with other rooms that show different values of a literary and artistic nature. “Eduardo Barrios” room also exhibits some paintings by Gracia Barrios and her husband José Balmes, daughter and son-in-law of the writer, who received the Plastic Arts National Award in 2011 and 1999, respectively. Casa Cultura -which owes its name “Dedal de Oro” (Golden Thimble) to a wild flower that occurs in abundance in the area- opens its doors to the public on weekends and is the only museum in the San José de Maipo district.
Written by Juan Pablo Yáñez Barrios and Rodrigo Hudtwalcker
Un perdido. 1917. Santiago, Chile. Eduardo Barrios
También algo de mí. 1923. Santiago, Chile. Eduardo Barrios 2018